Friday, April 27, 2007


I have my period! I know it is supposed to be a good thing but it is way early. I just had it about 2 weeks ago. 16 days to be exact, now the issue is do we cycle now or wait until my next visit from AF? I am trying to get ahold of my dear hubby you would think since he has not one but 2 cell phones he would actually answer one of them but you would be wrong! UGH MEN! I need his input on this cause my meds are going to be expensive. What to do, What to do.

We have planned our summer vacation, we are going to sesame place in Pennsylvania. It seems like it will be alot of fun, we are staying at a Best Western in Mount Holly NJ. Love that employee discount! Going the last week of June and I can not wait! I need to get away!

Hubby is finally on the phone, I am calling the clinic in just a minute to get this show on the road. I hope the clinic lets us cycle and does not make us wait until May.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

oh good luck!!

and i have very fond memories of going to sesame place as a kid. it's a great place for kids that are not quite old enough to appreciate the roller coaster type parks. have a great time!