Friday, February 05, 2010


Just a quick post to say that things are going well here. Really well in fact. We are all adjusting to me working days and it has seemed to help. He is not drinking as often or as much and that is nice. We get along better now too. Not to mention that we get to actually have sex once in a while. Yeah that is a benefit to working days and getting up at 4am. The kids seem happier and god knows I am happier.


kristi said...

So happy things are going well for you!

Lainey-Paney said...

Sooooooooooooo glad things are getting better.

Thanks for the congrats on the new house.

You know Stephanie is awesome.
I'm sure I don't have to tell you that!

Anonymous said...

I am glad things seem to be better for you! I hope you were able to get some counseling or al-anon support, that can really make a difference.

Anonymous said...

I am glad things seem to be better for you! I hope you were able to get some counseling or al-anon support, that can really make a difference.