Monday, May 15, 2006

All Wet

I am so sorry I have not been updating. It is raining like crazy here and I have been super busy. I worked Friday, Saturday night, Sunday morning and today. I am beat. I could barely enjoy Mother's day night with my family. Tony and Terrell cooked me dinner and dessert, and it was really good. We had 350 people not including kids under age 6 at the hotel for brunch on Sunday plus we were sold out. Let's see water is everywhere, I had to find another way to get to work because route 1 is closed due to flooding. Makes for a nice extra long day. The lake behind the hotel is over the banks and creeping closer to the hotel. I forgot my camera today or I would show you. I had people concerned that the hotel would be evacuated too. I don't think so but only time will tell. Well I am going to try and visit some blogs and then go rest, I am sick on top of being tired. How are you all doing?

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