Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sad and scary news

When I got to work today I found out that one of my co workers let's call her Mandy had a really scary sad morning. Her husband and her are seperated. He has been saying/ writting some things which have scared her. She was going to get a protective order against him. Well she woke up at 7 am this morning to him standing over her bed with a gun. Somehow she was able to get him to let her walk to the door to let the dogs out. She hauled ass to a neighbor's house screaming he has a gun. The police showed up with a swat team and they tried to talk him out of the house. He ended up killing himself. I hurt for her because she is great person who now has to somehow move forward with her life and deal with all the mess it brings. I feel sad for him but am happy he is no longer in pain. I know that he suffered from depression and had a sad childhood. His family shows no love. Literally his mom was told by the police that he killed himself and instead of asking is Mandy ok? is anyone else hurt she wanted to know who is getting his car. That just breaks my heart. What kind of unfeeling person would say that? I know she could be in shock but I don't think so. Anyway please can you send some thoughts and prayers up? Thank god she got out of the house. Her dogs saved her life.

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