Thursday, December 09, 2004

Today I met Tony at Toy's R us and we did some shopping for T. He was with us and I figure this is the last time we will get to do that. We got him a mega blocks dump truck, a doodle pro, a shopping cart with food in it and the silly faces elmo. We also bought a new box of crayons. $60 was spent. Not to bad at all. I am still going to get him some coloring books and a few regular books but I think he is just about done.
Now what I am upset about. I went and got my nails done this afternoon. There were 2 sisters there both pregnant and due in Janurary. Now I am not mad cause they are pregnant but as they were going to leave the one sister pulls out a pack of cigs and says to the other want me to light you one? WHAT THE FUCK!!!! Umm hello there is an innocent child inside you who I am sure doesn't want to smoke. I didn't say anything but it made my blood boil. Poor kid getting second hand smoke already. If they are smoking now I am sure they will smoke around the babies after birth. So very sad.

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