Friday, August 15, 2008

I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a week. I am sorry I haven't commented on your blogs either. It was not intentional, life just got in the way. I am tired, I know you are all sick of hearing it. I am not the only mother of 2 who has to work. I just truly did not know how hard it was going to be. I miss my babies when I am away. I am working so hard because on top of training new people the hotel is super busy. Couple that with a baby who like to get up at 4am and chat with a 5 year old who wants to actually do things besides sitting in the house and a husband who is pissing me off and it makes for one tired momma. Our 10th anniversary is next Saturday, I have told Tony 10 years is a BIG deal to me I better get a gift not just a card. He tried to say dinner is a gift. UMMMM no! I was going to get him ps3 but decided against it because hey does he really deserve it? Maybe if I get a bit more help around the house I might want him to have something that will make him happy. Anyway that is what is going on around here.


Anonymous said...

It will get better, I promise it does get better!

Sarah said...

i'm sorry it's such a hard time. i hope your anniversary is a happy surprise.