Saturday, April 15, 2006

3 Years Old!

Terrell today you are three years old. You are such a joy to me and your Dad. We love you so much and can’t imagine our lives without you. Right now we are in California visiting your Grandma and Grandpa and going to Disneyland. Let me tell you about the day you were born. It was a Tuesday and it was 80 degrees out and bright sunshine. You were born at 7:53 am and were 6 pounds 15 ounces and 21 inches long. You had a head full of dark hair and the most beautiful face ever. Your Daddy was so proud after you were born. You could not get the smile off his face. He was showing off your pictures to everyone. It has been such a pleasure to be your Mom the last three years. Watching you learn to crawl and roll and walk was so much fun. Worrying because you weren’t really talking then bam next thing I know you never stop talking. The hugs you give me when I am sick just to make me feel better. The awesome day when you decided big boy underwear was what you wanted and never looked back. Your love of coloring and finger-painting and playing with play doh. Watching as you use your imagination to fuel your playtime. Everything we endured to have you was so worth it, all the waiting and wondering I would ever be a mom again was worth it because I have you.

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