Friday, October 21, 2005


Terrell is suffering from buyitformeitis. You know he sees a commerical and that is it he must have that toy now. BUY IT MOMMA. I want it this is what I hear and then the crying starts. I say we will add it to your list for Santa but that is not good enough. He wants it now and he gets mad, and starts to throw a fit and somehow thinks if he hits me I will be so happy I will jump in my car and run to the store RIGHT NOW to buy it. God I love this age @@. Now he is telling me I have the money it is in my purse. After that he brings me the boogers out of his nose. Ahhh the love of a child.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just don't promise and then don't deliver. My mom used to promise then not deliver and that was worse than not getting the toy.